Urgent for gallery

Kinematics plot

Way to recover the coordinates from the PLOTTING specification. Hopefully some f(k1,k2,k3, process_type) after the kinematics are transformed should suffice.

Otherwise, we would add kin_x, kin_q to the plotting specification for nondefault cases.


Just need to hook up the proper calls to scipy.integrate and logic to sum over flavors. Should be based on an already existing code.

From there, we can make the usual lumi plots, as well as the Karlsruhe plot.

SMPDF plots

Done. Needs to be compared to the SMPDF. Some minor improvements could be:

  • Put the colorbar at the bottom.
  • Reduce the space between the title and the axis.
  • In HTML, why is it so narrow? The width of the file is the same as for the rest.

Obs-Obs correlations

Need to decide how to group them We don’t want a 4000x4000 table. Maybe by default take percentile(abs(rho), 90) or similar.

Distance plots

Trivial to do the PDF distances. Do we want a better measure of distance such as Kolmogorov?

Functional improvements

Smart tools

  • Implement filters for pdf replicas, data points, datasets, experiments. º
  • Make the relevant plots aware of the filters and teach them how to display the filtered points.

The UI for using them should look like:

and what this does is mark all the replicas that are above the threshold in all the plots with replicas.

Similar to filters, there should be an interface for colors, so that we can e.g. do the kinematic plot with a custom color scale.

HTML+CSS (+Python)

Important missing feature? Decide after some more experience with reports produced with the existing features. Maybe more functionality to group figures.

Important for completeness

Basis transformations

To late to hook with C++?

Otherwise implement the same logic in Python, which would surely be faster.

Training statistics

Length and so on.

Statistical estimators

ϕ and so on.