Looking up the parameters of a theoryΒΆ

The parameters for all of the theories can be found in the theory.db file, located in the <NNPDF install location>/share/NNPDF/data directory. This is an sqlite database file.

The tools required to extract the parameters for a given theory are already in the validphys framework:

>>> from validphys.loader import Loader

>>> l = Loader()
>>> # replace 53 with the relevant theoryID
>>> info_dict = l.check_theoryinfo(53)
>>> print(info_dict)
{'ID': 53, 'PTO': 2, 'FNS': 'FONLL-C', 'DAMP': 0, 'IC': 1, 'ModEv': 'TRN', 'XIR': 1.0, 'XIF': 1.0, 'NfFF': 5, 'MaxNfAs': 5, 'MaxNfPdf': 5, 'Q0': 1.65, 'alphas': 0.118, 'Qref': 91.2, 'QED': 0, 'alphaqed': 0.007496252, 'Qedref': 1.777, 'SxRes': 0, 'SxOrd': 'LL', 'HQ': 'POLE', 'mc': 1.51, 'Qmc': 1.51, 'kcThr': 1.0, 'mb': 4.92, 'Qmb': 4.92, 'kbThr': 1.0, 'mt': 172.5, 'Qmt': 172.5, 'ktThr': 1.0, 'CKM': '0.97428 0.22530 0.003470 0.22520 0.97345 0.041000 0.00862 0.04030 0.999152', 'MZ': 91.1876, 'MW': 80.398, 'GF': 1.1663787e-05, 'SIN2TW': 0.23126, 'TMC': 1, 'MP': 0.938, 'Comments': 'NNPDF3.1 NNLO central', 'global_nx': 0, 'EScaleVar': 1}