[1] G. Bozzi, S. Catani, G. Ferrera, D. de Florian, M. Grazzini, Phys. Lett.B 696 (2011) 207-213
Nucl.Phys. B815 (2009) 174-197
The DYqT program computes the transverse-momentum (qT) spectrum of Drell−Yan
lepton pairs with high invariant mass (M) produced, via vector boson V (V=W±,Z/γ*) decay,
in pp or pp collisions.
The DYqT calculation combines the fixed-order result at high values of qT (qT ∼ M)
up to O(αS2) with the resummation of the logarithmically enhanced contributions at small values of
qT (qT << M) up to next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic (NNLL) accuracy.
The rapidity of the vector boson and the leptonic kinematical variables are integrated over the entire kinematical range.
When referring to the program, please quote Refs. [1] above.